Wednesday, May 18, 2016

An Ordinary Day

Today was just another ordinary day. Ordinary people rushing about their ordinary lives, completely and utterly unaware of a decidedly UNordinary presence among them. I almost felt the urge to giggle at their poor, secluded little lives. Almost, except for the fact that I hated this city. My sheer disdain for this wretched place shadowed over my every thought, darkening any bit of happiness that might have been found.

The veranda overhang was framed by huge magnolia trees with a pungent fragrance of blossoms being ushered down the street by the evening breeze. The sun, painting the sky vibrant shades of orange and purple as it hung low over the horizon, its rays too tired from the sweltering day to reach beyond the shade of the veranda. There is where I sat, enveloped in shadows, both literally and figuratively.

A cup of coffee warmed my chilled hands. The ordinary people ever increasing on the street in complete oblivion at just how ordinary they were. Do I sound droll? I apologize. But have I mentioned how much I hate New Orleans? Its a hatred that runs deeper than the fiery suns of the seventh level of hell... if there was such a place. Yet here I sit... again. Alone. Again. Waiting, watching, and wondering... Again.

That's where I was, sat, brooding, pouting even, plummeting ever deeper into the misery this place always brings, when I was shaken from my morose solitude by the clearing of a voice. I must have appeared as pure as evil to this newcomer since he involuntarily stepped backwards when I cast my eyes upon him.

“Ex... excuse me, cher', but I was told to meet you here, for um... a message.” The young man stammered, a reaction for which I am all too familiar. He continued, “My Sire...”

“Your SIRE?” I arched my eyebrow. This was no immortal, he was just an ordinary human reeking of fear, yet bathed in the sweet aroma of life and blood.

“Well, sort of... um... not exactly, not yet is what I mean to say.” I couldn't stop the disheartening sigh that escaped my lips. The hopeful. If only they knew the truth. Understood the complete finality of their wishful choice. Perhaps I could spared him of this fate? I was hungry after all. But to do so would be to abandon the only helpful lead I've had in decades. This so called SIRE was a contact I could ill afford to loose. I sighed again. No, sadly I must leave this one alone.

“I understand. Please, what message does your... SIRE have for me?” I had to force my eyes to soften. Bella he had called me. It was my heritage. My gift. My curse. My reason for returning to this dreadful town. Bella, be beautiful, I told myself. I could see the young man relax, his eyes dilate. He took a small reassuring step forward while breathing in my scent as it mingled with the blossoms.

He smiled. I smiled. It worked like a charm every time.

“My Sire,” he spoke with more ease, “bade me to give you a message. 'He was here.' “

That was it?! I waited in this rotten town for that? Anger flashed in my eyes before I could control it, startling the young man back to the reality of his precarious situation. He nearly stumbled over an iron chair as he back stepped. But he didn't run. I'll give him that much, he didn't run.

I clenched my teeth and attempted a smile. I'm sure by his widened eyes the effect was not as I had intended. “Yes, but WHEN was he here?” I managed to whisper, seething with frustration. Its any wonder I didn't scream it loud enough for the entire quarter to hear.

“H...h... he.... he didn't specifically say.”

“He didn't?” Now this was interesting. What was that in this messenger's voice? A tone that piqued my curiosity. I sat back in my chair, all anger draining from my body. Calmness enveloping me. Charm oozing from me with each breath. I crossed by my legs slowly and nearly purred, “What specifically did he not say?” I let my tongue wet my bottom lip before pulling my lip playfully between my teeth. It worked. I knew it would. His pupils dilated more and his breath quickened. “He said something, yes? Perhaps something you overheard? Or maybe you can read between his unspoken lines? Surely, for him to even consider being your Sire you must possess great skill at watching, at learning, at blending in.”

My voice radiated out softly enveloping this young man in soothing warmth. I could see and feel the red flush against his neck and cheeks. I could hear his heart beat flutter. His pupils nearly obscuring any color to his eyes. They were blue before. I have a thing for blue eyes. He licked his lips involuntarily mimicking my early action. I saw his pulse quicken along his neck.... a long graceful neck met by sturdy shoulders. He was beautiful when he wasn't reeking of fear. “Tell me dear, it will be our little secret. But I promise in return I will sign praise to your Sire of your excellent skills and loyalty.”

He nearly floated to my side, sitting, then leaning in closer. His breath was sweet like the shot of tequila he must have had before approaching me. “Well, he didn't say exactly, but I got the impression he was holding something back, out of fear maybe? I'm unsure. Fear? Isn't that strange for him? I've never seen him fear anything. I thought it strange that is why I noticed it. Then, as I was leaving he whispered something. I am not sure what. I've never heard him speak in this language before. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard anyone speak in this language. Surprised, I glanced back towards him, but he just smiled, slowing shaking his head. That's when he, well that's when he said, “Just tell her 'he was here', she need not know more.”

I smiled then, a genuine smile. I slid my hand down his arm feeling the tiny hairs there raise from my cool touch. I clasped his tanned hand softly between my own two paler ones while leaning forward to look directly into his eyes. With a playful smile I whispered, “Thank you for this message. Come, let me by you a drink. Perhaps another shot of sweet, calming tequila? Let me show you my gratitude.” He nodded, a small boyish smile filling his lips, and rose to follow my lead.

This day didn't end quite as ordinary as it started. I need not know more, I thought again to myself. If that was all I needed to know, then I now know more than this SIRE realized. I suppose I don't need to keep that contact after all.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The night forever began

I was in love, or thought that I was.  Had you asked me then I would have sworn my world, my heart, my life, my blood to this man; and in fact I did.  Oh the foolish notions of a child, for that is what I was.  In a small island town filled with brash sailors smelling of salt and beer, the refined and elegant stick out.... like a throbbing sore thumb.  That should have been a warning, but instead it was his lure.  His beauty was mesmerizing.  His movements sleek and fluid.  He was tall and clean and smelled of old world spices.  Even the ocean was no match for the depth in his eyes.  And his hair!  Silky thick black hair, sleek and shiny from the tip of his head to the tops of his broad shoulders.  When he spoke to me, the timbre of his voice stroked something inside me, something as a young girl, and even now as an ancient creature, I've never felt before or since.  The accent was faint, exotic, someplace far away, English yet not American nor British.  The language rolled of his tongue like a kitten purring.  Oh I was very much in love, or youthful lust.

Unlike the grubby sailors that frequented the port, He was educated and patient.  He didn't grab at me with labor-hardened paws, but rather caressed my cheeks with velvety fingers.  He courted me in the way that every young girl dreams.  Every dance, every social, and anytime I was out about in town He was at my side, arm extended.  Every girl my age hated me, hated that I was the one he choose.  And the old guard?  Well they were torn.  Half believed he was the best thing that could happen to such a spirited and "ill behaved" child like myself.  And the other half thought he was the devil reborn, for only someone truly sinister could be that good.  And my family?  They just wanted me to be happy.  So after every lecture imploring me to be safe and reasonable I was given a hug and kiss and admonishments of undying love.

Three quarters of a century have gone by and I still can see that night as if it were happening right now.  He spoke of eternal love and desire, of becoming one.  I thought he was going to propose, and oh how I was ready to say yes.  He kissed my lips, not tender like before, but rough enough to bruise them.  His hand grabbed at my hair and suddenly I was very afraid.  The struggle was pointless, a wasted effort of resistance.  He held me like no other could.  No matter how hard I kicked or pushed his arms never gave and inch.  He crushed me so tight I couldn't breathe, not even a shallow breath to attempt a scream.  And then it happened.  My head was yanked back away from his lips and I felt the excruciating sting at my neck.  My whole body went rigid and then suddenly limp.  I could feel the cold creep into my finger tips and toes, spread across my arms and legs until my head began to spin.  All I could do was focus on the stars and pray for my family and I felt him draining the life from my body.  And then he whispered, "What do you want child?  Tell me the thing you want most."  Foolish notions of a child.  I wanted my family.  I wanted my Mother to hold me and tell me everything would be ok.  I don't think I actually spoke the words, but my heart was screaming them.  The tears from my eyes ran down my cheeks, along my neck, and stung the wounds there.  God just give me back to my family!  And he did, though he wasn't God or even and angel.  Make no mistake; he was death.... my death and my rebirth.

I'll save you from the gruesome details of that night.  No words could explain to a mortal the searing pain and violent nausea that experience caused me.  Before the sun rose my body collapsed from exhaustion and stress.  When I awoke, a whole 18 hours later, it was to candle light in my bedroom.  My mother was by my side singing the old lullaby that used to calm me to sleep as an infant.  The wounds on my neck were cleaned and covered.  Mother held my hand and said that we would get through this.  That the devil may have cursed me but my family would not.  I could see the fear in her eyes.  I remember realizing I could smell the fear in her breath; in fact it permeated the entire house.  I could hear my Father pacing in the library below, and my brothers out back cussing and crying.  But they didn't run, not a single one of them. And they didn't let me run either.
Bella Morte, that's who he said I was.  No longer descendant from Ireland or the Bahamas, my bloodline was of something more ancient.  Beautiful one, he called me.

Are you surprised that after the fate he brought to me I would still see him?  And why would I not?  He was my only contact, my only source of knowledge to this new life.  To banish him would be to further damn myself.  Knowledge is power, and for many many years He was my only source of knowledge into this living death I was forced to choose.  For years he stayed with me.  He taught me to hunt, to kill discretely, to enhance my grace, and to learn everything I could.  Even when it was time to leave my island home of Key West he followed, or maybe I followed him. 

Did I still love him?  Perhaps, but it was a different kind of love then what I thought I felt all those years ago as a naive island girl.  This was a love of comfort, two so alike to each other yet so different from the rest of the world around them.  He was safe, my mentor, my teacher, my protector.  He was my world, until he left.  We were in New Orleans, another port town, but one much too big for my liking.  There was trouble brewing and I begged him to leave.  There are horrible things in New Orleans; things that make even a Vampire's skin crawl.  He laughed at me and caressed my cheek.  Told me that his ancient eyes had seen all of this before.  That my eyes were still very young and that when I had been around as many lifetimes as he then I would not be so squeamish.  Still I pleaded with him to leave that filthy town.

So we compromised.  He had unfinished business to attend to and would meet me in two days time further up river.  He kissed my forehead tenderly and bid me farewell.  That was the last time I saw him.  He never came to me.  I spent 5 miserable years scouring New Orleans for any trace of him without luck.  I do not know what happened to him, but I do know this much... He is out there somewhere.  One day I will see him again.  And once I know the truth of his disappearance I'll ether hold him tight and shower him with kisses of sheer relief or drive a stake through his undead heart for making me what I am and then abandoning me. 

With my parents dead from completely natural causes and my brothers scattered to the winds with their families, for the first time in my life I found myself completely and utterly alone.  Alone.  A small-island girl alone in a big world.  Never mind my immortality.  Never mind my access to wealth.  I was alone, and scared as hell.  Even in this modern world suspicion and danger abound.  The one and only thing I could focus on was to learn; anything and everything.  I traveled from city to town under the guise of a student. 

College towns see a lot of people come and go; it's easy to blend in and disappear.  Nightlife thrives in a college town too.  Didn't forget about that part did you?  Don't, because I never do.  Don't confuse beauty and kindness with weakness...for it just may get you killed.  Don't mistake hunting discretely for lack of desire for the taste of blood, for trust me, if given the chance I'll drink yours just as readily as the next stranger.  And in a college town there are lots of strangers.  I can learn and feed and disappear.  And I did just that for the better part of 30 years.  Go ahead and joke about professional student.  But while you're laughing I'm studying Virology, Hematology, Microbiology, and anything else that might help me find a way to lessen the thirst.